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If you find yourself in Meridian, Mississippi

If you find yourself in Meridian, Mississippi today, October 21st 2017, make sure to drop by the Temple Theater at about 2:40. That is when The Eviction is going to be showing at the Rails to Reels Film

Festival. Why are they having this film festival? Well it is a celebration of film and film making. They seem to be serious about this. How do I know?

Well two weeks ago I received a phone call on a Saturday morning. As it was a number I didn't recognize I was a little confused when I answered the phone. "Hello?" I questioned into the receiver. A deep response of"Mr. Galloway?," spoken in a slower southern drawl did little to bring illumination. Now I was perplexed. "Yes" was my simple response that perhaps was spoken as more of a question wanting the person on the other line to offer more of why they had called.. His earnest response floored me.

It is so easy to forget at times the power of story. The work, the labor, the soul and sacrifice that goes into a work... at times the artist forgets all of this. It is not the artist, but the art. For documentary, it is not the documentary film maker... it is the subject.

Suddenly the deep throated Southern drawl brought be out of my reflection. "Well... Mr. Galloway... I jus gave you a call... to say Thank ya. We jus watched The Eviction and it was beautiful" Though an artist loves to hear these words... the earnestness in his voice let me know that I had moved someone. That my vision had caused them to see... if only for a moment... through a different point of view.

I must admit, it caught me off guard. Like a time machine I was thrust back into the memory of the almost daily trips to the stretch under I-75. The people I met, the interviews held, and then, the way I placed it all together had the desired effect: of moving someone... someone to see.

My cinema vitae approach of plunging the viewers into the subteranian world found under the overpass was able to transport

the viewers to another world. To help them to experience. To let them see with new eyes. Yes... I had heard it before, but it was from people I knew. As this was the first time I had recieved an acceptance call from a film festival, I knew his words were true.

As my film does not only focus on the homeless, but also those that are trying to help... it was especially exciting. The work of CitySquare, an organization founded to fight poverty helped to show a new audience possible solutions to the social reality of homelessness. Not only that, but the challenge issued by Pastor Jonathan Grace might prompt others to rise to the dangerous clarion call: "Love thy neighbor as thyself... in your neighborhood."

Then... suddenly, another e-mail appeared from another festival. This was the Minefield Film Festival in

Albuquerque . In a long acceptance letter, this is what they wrote after reviewing my film:

I had the opportunity to watch your documentary along with the judges. Excellent job! Albuquerque has

a tent city as well and organizations have been formed to try to help with medical, food, and other needs. This is an excellent subject to get out to the public. You did an outstanding job putting this together yourself. The Directing is excellent and the story kept the flow of things. You did an awesome job with the camera as well. I digress... I just have to say, well done overall!

Striving to keep my ego in check, the very next week, I was contacted by The Meridian Star. They wanted to interview me. I answered the reporters questions and by Wednesday, the article had appeared:

So if you happen to be in Meridian, Mississippi, stop on by the Temple Theater at about 2:40. Or if you are going to be in Dallas, Tx on the 27 you can see clips at the TCA Art Alumni Reception and meet Wally Linebarger... subject of the documentary Wally. Or... of course... check out

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