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The week in review: 4/26-5/1

After class on Friday I was on the road. I had to make it to Austin. The next day was Texas History Day and I was to judge student documentaries. I would be ready to use my skills to judge the best

student documentaries in Texas. The traffic was a little heavy, but I knew it would be even worse as I got closer to five. So I chased the horizon.

Well, I got there in time. Austin was ready for me. A quick shower and shave and I was out the door.

Why? 6th street was waiting. The beer was good but overpriced. Ahh the fun of losing my position of being a local. But it matched the clientele of young professionals desperate to strut their stuff..

The next day I was up at UT. I don't know why I still happen to be shocked when I get on the campus of UT. Of course, more and more of what was once green space has been taken over by designers and architects desperate to justify erecting a building so they can name it after a donor. A "Yellow Brick Road" now leads down the street that was merely simple asphalt when I went there. As I had already been to Gregory Gymnasium I was ready for the posh upscale surroundings that attempted to disguise the fact that sport and sweat is supposed to be the reason for this building. But there I go, acting like a gym should be a gym. As punishment I am sure they would not let me climb on the Rock wall or take sanctum in the sauna.

So I got to the sign in area. They got my name and in exchange I got a t-shirt and a coffee mug. I searched for the table where I would meet my group. The delightful elderly couple was soon joined by a familiar face... Dr. de la Teja. He was one of the scholars that I interviewed for Gonzales: Come and Take It! The others began to filter in and join us. After our instructions we were sent to our rooms to view the films.

We saw some great documentaries. Take hope Texas, we have some talented students rising up. As I was the only documentary film maker and historian in the group I was a little surprised that my opinion was given more credit, but then I remembered... I am a free thinker set loose in the halls of academia. A bull in a china shop. :P The topics ranged from Filipino migrant workers to Confederate soldiers turned Yankee. Although one of my favorites was one on Ann Richards, apparently she was too close to home and did not find favor with my fellow judges. If I am invited back again I will be sure to watch the documentaries before and do a much larger write up on them.

The drive home was uneventful. I was ready to get back so I could get to work on completing out the

scholastic semester as well as my final graduation as a student. I got back in town by five. I decided to stop at Deep Ellum and meet up with some friends. Good trip, good times, laissez les bon temps rouler!

I got home to read the e-mail that Wally is an official selection for the LGBT Toronto Film Festival. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. It is a great documentary and still attracts audiences. A documentary that at its heart is about people.

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