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Andy docs this week 9/5

Well its been too long since my last update. First off... new logo. I like it. Now to let you know what is going on in the world of my docs. To begin with... Gonzales:

Okay... so what is up with Gonzales? Well it is an Official Selection for the Top Indie Film awards for the section of Documentary Short (Wally won best Documentary Short in that festival). The results for that are either going to be real soon... or on Jan 10. So keep an eye out.

Meanwhile It was also accepted into the Accolade Film festival in the Documentary Short section and the results of that competition will be posted on Sept. 6th.

It is also appearing in the Best Shorts Competition under the category Documentary Short. I will keep you up to date on that as well as other festivals that it is staring in. I will probably do a video on demand release soon, but, to the best of my knowledge, it will be making a theatrical premiere in Gonzales.

And speaking of all things Gonzales, make sure to order your t-shirts. They are handmade and designed by Dallas artist Kevin Obregon after being inspired by my doc.

Well, what about "Wally" you may ask. Well here we go...


Well okay, so here is one that I am very excited about... "Wally" will be making an appearance in London at the 4th Annual Lets All Be Free Film Festival.

"Wally" will be competing in the Short Documentary Competition. Results will be known October 18th. Also, "Wally" will be making a return appearance to the San Antonio Q Fest.

So that is pretty cool. Meanwhile, I am working on trying to complete: "The Eviction." This is about the closure of "Tent City." I still don't understand how one can "evict" someone who doesn't have a home. So that, teaching, and trying to find a job for when I graduate is just taking up a little bit of my time. So hopefully I caught you up to speed a little. Buy local and hey... buy local artists.

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